How To: Solder a wire to the pin of an IC chip

How To: Solder a wire to the pin of an IC chip
This short video tutorial presents a step by step method for soldering a wire to a pin of an IC chip. The tutorial opts out for more showing and less telling. It simply shows how to solder a wire to the pin in real time, with text running over the video. There are no audio instructions. Instead, the tutorial's audio track is replaced by ambient music. The video itself last for a little over a minute, but manages to explain the procedure rather adequately. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.

And of course, she'll coordinate the Bluetooth connection. Pair your Echo speaker with a Bluetooth-enabled device. To use your Echo device as a Bluetooth speaker for your smartphone, tablet or other Bluetooth-enabled device, follow the below steps.
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Thankfully, though, all of these issues can easily be resolved by simply changing two settings in the Gboard app. This tip comes courtesy of Redditor SpadeX1 , and according to our own testing, as well as multiple user reports, it makes a huge difference in performance.
Speed up GBoard performance on Android by Disabling These Two

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Firefox supports multiple Home tabs, which is how you can open multiple web pages each time you open Firefox. To set up the URLs for your Home tabs, first open the web pages you want on separate tabs.
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