How To: Make a Homemade Air Conditioner That Runs on Batteries or USB Power

How To: Make a Homemade Air Conditioner That Runs on Batteries or USB Power
Hand made air conditioner made of a foam lunch box, 5 volt DC fan, 4 AAA rechargeable batteries, and some ice. This homemade AC can run on batteries and you can plug directly into any USB port. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.

Despite of above all factors, you can still find the way to block and unblock Facebook apps or game as easy as before. Removing these app invitations, alerts from your account can be tedious and annoying, but there is an easy way to selectively block them altogether.
How to unblock someone on Facebook - Android Authority

How To: Make a PVC Hand Pump to Move Water, Compress Air, & Create Vacuum How To: It's Raining Sweets and Treats! How to Make Your Own Pneumatic Candy Cannon How To: Build a Low-Cost Shoe Rack Using PVC Pipes How To: Make a Powerful Handheld Rocket Launcher from PVC and Sprinkler Parts
Life-Size Gummy Chicken Might Be the Creepiest Jelly Candy Yet

Security awareness seems to be a hot topic these days on the web, with developers making apps and devices that can hack networks and machines with just a few clicks. But these applications aren't only exploiting security flaws in systems and networks, they're being used by amateur and wannabe hackers who want to have a little fun, but don't want to learn how to actually "hack" anything.
Hack Multiple Android Devices — Pioneer Update
If you get connected to an answering service chances are something is wrong with the company. Build Your Own Media-Altering Newstweek Device How To:Glympse GPS tracking app is definitely the easiest as well as the most basic way of sharing your geographical location with someone. How Can I Spy On Other Android Phone
How to Use a Newstweek to change the news read by others on a

Method on Hacking Android Mobile Phones Via Internet. I'm pretty sure there were many times you wished you could somehow get to know what the other person is hiding from you (happens often in relationships) and how you could hack into their mobile and see the contents of their mobile such as their messages, multimedia files (photos & videos), contacts, delivery reports etc.
Android Hack: How to hack a Android Phones
Just bring out the required credentials and establish your relationship either with the phone, with the user of the phone or anyone else whose device you wish to hack. After completing this, you will have the hold of this power packed app which is completely efficient for any android device hacking.
How to Hack an Android phone: Beginner guide to Advance

News: 5 Secret Snapchat Lenses That Will Make Your Weekend — Infinity War, the Chainsmokers & More News: Try These 5 Hot New Snapchat Lenses — The Zucc, PUBG Helmet & More News: Snapchat Summons Dragons from Westeros to New York for Game of Thrones AR Promo News: World of Warcraft Lens on Snapchat Lets You Transform into Orc or Elf & Do
5 Snapchat Lenses You Have to Try Out This Week — Post Malone

How to Install TWRP Recovery in OnePlus One. - Droidmen

How to Send email attachments above the size limit - Internet

In Gmail, you technically can't unsend an email. However, you can set a delay between when you press "Send" and when your message actually gets sent to a recipient's inbox. You must first turn on Undo Send. To do this: Open Gmail. Click Settings on the top right. Under "Undo Send," check the box labeled Enable Undo Send. In the
Gmail: How to Unsend an Email in Gmail -

The newest update for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch is near, and I've got a firsthand look of what's to come in the new iOS 7.1, the first major update since iOS 7 was released.
All the Cool New Features in iOS 10.3 for iPad, iPhone & iPod

Given how long image stacking has been around, and how many camera and phone makers have employed some version of it, it's fair to ask why Google's Night Sight seems to be so much better than
How Google's Night Sight Works, and Why It's So Good

Hound can use follow-up questions and commands to filter, sort, or add more information to the original request. Give this a shot: "OK Hound… Find Asian restaurants rated 4 stars or more within walking distance of Times Square and exclude Chinese, Korean, and Thai" But Hound isn't limited to restaurants and coffee shops.
[GUIDE] Using android WITHOUT google account is possible

How To: The Easiest Way to Back Up, Restore, & Sync Files Between Your Computer & HTC One News: New Features and KitKat Compatibility Added to HTC Backup for Your HTC One How To: Get Samsung's Exclusive "Milk Music" App on Your Nexus 7 or Other Android Device
How to Get the Bitmoji Keyboard on Android (with Pictures)

There are some people that find it a thrill to jump out of a plane and risk their life to experience the feeling of flying. For everyone else, there's indoor skydiving. (Thanks, technology.) In a wind tunnel with over 1,000 mph winds, you can have the same sensation only a few feet off the ground.
14 Things You Should Know Before You Go Skydiving For The

Step 1: Take a Photo or Choose One Within Google Photos. First, you'll need a photo of the text you want to translate. You can take this picture now, or you can use a picture with foreign text that's already in your camera roll.
HoloHear Is Like Google Translate for Deaf People - HoloLens

HBO's Westworld has touched down on iOS as a mobile game, giving players the chance to manage their very own futuristic theme park set in the wild west. Unfortunately, the game is currently only available in select countries as a soft launch until its fully developed. But if you'd like to try out this game right now, there's a simple workaround to get Westworld on your iPhone.


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