How To: Beat level 1-11 of Angry Birds Halloween with three stars
Want to beat theme 1, level 11 of Rovio's Angry Birds Halloween for iPhone/Android with three stars? See how it's done with this gamer's guide, which presents a complete walkthrough of the process. With the right technique, you'll find it quite easy to beat. For more information, and to get started beating levels 1-11 of this whimsical puzzle game yourself, watch this helpful video guide. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.
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Well, Microsoft has revealed pretty much about the new upcoming lightweight browser that is officially named as Microsoft Edge Browser. Microsoft Edge Browser is bundled with Windows 10. So it cannot be downloaded separately. Microsoft Edge has been available for developers but as regular customers you have to wait until 29th July 2015.
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How To: Watch 2 Videos Simultaneously on Your Galaxy Note 9 By Jon Knight; Android; Galaxy Note 9 Tips; Android does a great job at multitasking. Split-screen mode and picture-in-picture are terrific at letting you manage more than one app at a time. But there are some limitations.
Dual SIM and 1 SD Card working simultaneously for Galaxy Note
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Yan Sheng Huang gives a video tutorial on how to cast a video embeded on a website from your iPad to your TV. By default on the Apple iPad, you are able to cast from YouTube and Netflix but if you
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