How To: Open up an Apple iPad 3G for repair
Accidents will happen. This brief how-to will guide you through the process of opening up an Apple iPad 3G tablet computer quickly and efficiently without damaging any of the components, the first necessary step of any successful repair. This tutorial will also be of use to those who wish to learn more about the guts of their iPads without actually disassembling their units. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.
[Guide] How to Remove All Built-in Apps in Windows 10 - UPDATE: Tutorial updated to include instructions for removing some new apps such as App Connector, App Installer, Microsoft Wi-Fi, Paint 3D, Sticky Notes, etc.
How can I remove unwanted apps from Windows 10? | Technology
You can change how the date appears on your Android phone. One of the salient advantages of a Google Android smartphone over, say, an Apple iPhone, is the inherent extendibility of the open-source Android mobile OS. There are a seemingly infinite number of settings to tweak and advanced features to
How To Change Date & Time on Android Smartphone / Tablet
Tinting the status bar makes your layout look more immersive. 4. Bringing transparency to navigation elements: I still happen to encounter Android apps that are configured in a way that you can not see how the navigation drawer is placed underneath the status bar, maybe because the status bar has a solid color or something else, there are various possibilities.
Android 4.4 translucent Status and Navigation bars style on
3. GIMP. GNU Image Manipulation Program, better known as GIMP, is an old-school classic that's free and open-source.Created in 1995 as a project by two University of California, Berkeley students, Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis, GIMP is a full-fledged image editor and replicates a lot of the functionality that Photoshop offers.
How to Get Photoshop for Free | Digital Trends
News: Digital Picture Frame Snatches Photos from Public Wi-Fi Networks . By Justin Meyers; Hacks, Mods & Circuitry; You're sitting in your favorite café enjoying a hot cup of joe, then you open up your laptop or turn on your tablet computer to get to work, but as always you get sidetracked and head straight for Facebook.
Keep Your Web Browsing Secure with HTTPS Everywhere for Firefox
How To: Install the Yogbox compilation pack mod for Minecraft 1.7.3 on a Mac How To: This All-in-One Mods Catalog Makes Customizing the OnePlus One Extremely Convenient How To: Get Nexus 6 System Sounds & Ringtones on Your Nexus 5
How to Check Out the OnePlus 5 LiveStream - Gadget Hacks
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[Tip] Enable/Disable Mozilla Firefox Notifications to Show in Windows 10 Action Center - All web browsers use their own built-in notification functionality to show web/push notifications sent by websites.
How To Enable Facebook Notifications in Chrome
The news comes with the latest Reddit AMA from members of the Essential team. Essential also confirmed that support for Project Treble will be added to the final Android 8.1 Oreo update.
Update Guide on New Features for Essential Phone Oreo Beta
It's a camera app that lets you add a text overlay to the viewfinder, quite similar to how a teleprompter works for news anchors. So there's no need to memorize lines, because you can simply read a script on the screen, then share the video with your favorite service, and everyone will think you're just a well-spoken individual.
New app helps selfies shed virtual weight - New York Post
To start identifying colors, simply launch the app and point your device's camera towards the object with the target color(s). Information regarding any color falling within the target marker in the center of the screen is displayed at the top Like both of the aforementioned solutions, Color Grab supports a database that holds detailed information for thousands of different colors.
Identify Colors using Android Camera with Smartphone Color
For those who are using Android phones, there is an easier option by using an Application called Color […] Identify Colors using Android Camera with Smartphone Color Grab App - Android Advices Identifying the most basic colors is possible for most of us, but going a little deeper into it and trying to play around with the shades and color
8 Best Color Matching Apps For Android and iPhone | TechUntold
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