How To: Lock and unlock your BlackBerry Storm
The BlackBerry Storm did not come with a lock/unlock option. Here are some directions on how to download an application to make it possible. On your BlackBerry Storm go to the download icon. Once you have it open select App World. Search for the BlackBerry Slider application using the search option. Download the BlackBerry Slider application. Once down loaded you can slide the bar over to unlock your phone. You can also set the application to your convenience keys to lock your phone from there. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.
So, if you're researching how do anything with HTML and Gmail, try to find content that is as recently written as possible. A part of the HTML used to create the email. Display the page in a browser. I used Chrome and just opened (Ctrl-O) the .html file that was on my computer. The HTML as rendered in the Chrome browser.
How To Set or Remove Gmail as Your Default Email Link Handler
News: So Long, Siri! The Superior Google Assistant Is Coming to iOS How To: Activate Siri on Your iPhone X S, X S Max, or X R; News: Why You Still Shouldn't Use iCloud Keychain to Store Your Passwords in iOS 12 How To: Make Siri More Powerful on Your iPhone by Adding These Extra Voice Commands
So long, Siri: Google Assistant for iPhone is available for
How All Your Friends Are Adding Fun & Dramatic Zooms to Their Instagram Stories You see them all over your Instagram Stories feed — post after post, video after video…
Instagram Stories FAQ: How to Add, Archive, See, and Other…
Google Assistant will be getting an AI makeover with the addition of Google Lens. This new feature is basically a set of vision-based computing capabilities within the Assistant. "With Google Lens, your smartphone camera won't just see what you see," Google's Twitter explanation reads. "But will also understand what you see to help you take
Google Lens Turns Your Phone Camera Into an AI-Powered Visual
How To: Automatically Save Snapchats onto Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Editor's Choice: 11 Camera Apps to Put Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2 on Steroids How To: Trick Apps That Won't Run if Your Phone Is Rooted into Thinking Its Not on the Galaxy Note 3
How to Save Any Photo or Video from Instagram on Your Galaxy
Given that the shipment date can often be unpredictable, here's how to track your iPhone X pre-order.. Anyone who skipped on buying the iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus, two of this year's flagship smartphones, and waited patiently for the iPhone X official launch, can finally pre-order their brand-new iPhone X.
Has your iPhone X order status already changed to "preparing
Well, now thanks to the imaginative mind of Instructables user yardleydobon, you can now recreate this rainbow-colored music visualizer right on top of your freaking head—with these trippy EL wire headphones, which react to the music the same way an audio visualizer does.
DIY Pulsating Light Rod Speakers That Dance to Your Music
The "Shuffle" songs option in iOS 8.3 and lower. In the iOS 8.4 version of the Music app, the Shuffle option is gone for Songs. All there is an option on the My Music tab to select from Artists, Albums, Songs, Genres, Composers, and Compilations.
How to Shuffle All Songs in Apple's Music App in iOS 10
To follow a hashtag, either search for a specific tag or click on one and then click the Follow button—just like following a user. From that point forward, content with that particular tag will show up directly in your feed. It's such a great way to bolster your feed with real things you care about.
How to Follow Instagram Hashtags for Business : Social Media
Use Hashtags in Texts to Share Locations, Music, & Other Info
Hacking Gmail or any other email account is no longer a rocket science. Further in this article you will learn some of the possible ways to hack Gmail account password in simple steps.
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