How To: Put an unresponsive iPhone into DFU mode
iPhone not booting up? This video shows how to recover your iPhone if it is unresponsive or even getting ready to Jailbreak it, by putting it into DFU Mode. DFU, device firmware upgrade, mode bypasses the current OS and allows you to upgrade or downgrade. Watch this video cell phone repair tutorial and learn how to restore a crashed iPhone by putting it into DFU mode. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.
News; Sony's inventing a phone battery that could last 40% longer the company is working on a new type of smartphone battery that lasts 40% longer With this latest development though, Sony
Top 10 phones of 2017: Best battery life - news
To switch to another app while in one app, touch the Recent Apps icon at the bottom of the screen. NOTE: We used a Nexus 7 as an example for this article. If you are using a Samsung Galaxy device, press and hold the Home button. A list of open apps displays with thumbnails.
Google Earth Pro on desktop is free for users with advanced feature needs. Import and export GIS data, and go back in time with historical imagery. Available on PC, Mac, or Linux.
Welcome home to the new Google Earth
Samsung's Secure Folder With Samsung smartphones, you can store apps, pictures and other files in the Secure Folder. This is shielded from your main account by a separate code.
Samsung Galaxy S8 Oreo update notes detail new features, improvements and hold an app to make a shortcut that can be accessed from the Home Screen. Galaxy S8 Android Oreo 8.0 update
Android Oreo is coming to Galaxy S6, S6 Edge and S6 Edge+
Find Out Who's Trying to Unlock Your Samsung Galaxy S III
Five tools to help sync more than one cloud storage service Our featured App of the Week might boost your productivity, secure your email, track career goals, and more. The free account
How to Use Xbox Cloud Storage: Storing and Backing Up Your Games
This procedure covers the general guidelines for soldering surface mount Gull Wing components. There is basically only one type of Gull Wing component. Whether leads are on two sides or four sides, or whether the component is large or small, the soldering principles are the same. Minimum Skill Level - Intermediate
How to remove a solder bridge - PIEK
UCSC Genome Browser Tutorial Video 1 An introduction to the UCSC Genome Browser, a tool used by researchers around the world. Here I discuss: --genomes and assemblies --chromosome coordinates
How to Use the UCSC Genome Browser - Gadget Hacks
Too much mobile choice? Help is at hand from our guide to choosing a mobile phone. With so many handsets, networks and tariffs on the market, choosing a new mobile phone can be a daunting task. At
How to Pick a Color Scheme | Better Homes & Gardens
Malwarebytes: Anti-Malware Mobile. This application is designed to help protect your Samsung Galaxy S3 or other Android device by monitoring, managing, and scanning all the applications and files on your device.
8 Reasons the BlackBerry KEY2 Is Already the Best Phone for
With the invention of mobile phones, alarms clocks are nearly extinct. Who wants a bulky tabletop alarm when you can use your mobile device to wake you up? Well, even tablets can make sure you get your coffee on time, and in the Samsung Galaxy Tab, there's the Android Alarm Clock application.
Set your Samsung Galaxy Tab Alarm Clock - VisiHow
The awesome thing about Android is that you rarely need to settle for what comes stock on your device. If your music app sucks, switch it. If you don't like your home launcher, swap it for a better one. Don't Miss: 7 Cool Things You Can Do with the Developer Options That being said, if you need
How to Create Custom App Shortcuts on Your Android Device
Watch How To Install Nintendo DS Emulator On iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad iOS 6 & 7 Without Jailbreak! - video dailymotion - ThePapiGfunk on dailymotion
How To Install Inds Nintendo Ds Emulator On iOS 12 1 3 iOS
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